WAT Web Alignment Tool


Level 1
Recall of Information
Objective 1:1

Recall and comprehend information and details presented in informational texts.

This objective is an example of level 1. Students most commonly meet this expectation by recalling information explicitly stated in functional or informational texts.

Objective 1:2

Know or can decode meaning of words or phrases at grade level.

This objective is also an example of level 1. Students most commonly demonstrate this skill through successful recall of specific words, phrases, and idioms.

Objective 1:3

Recall elements and details of story structure, such as sequence of events, character, plot, and setting.

This objective is an example of level 1. Reading and comprehending literature are aided by knowledge of common literary structures as well as recall of important events, characters, etc. developed in the work.


Level 2
Basic Reasoning
Objective 2:1

Edit final copies for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

This objective is an example of level 2. Students would be required to apply their knowledge of mechanics and conventions to written text generated by themselves or others.

Objective 2:2

Understand main idea and purpose implied by text.

This objective is also an example of level 2. Students would be required to move beyond recall and literal comprehension to summarize the main points of a text.


Level 3
Complex Reasoning
Objective 3:1

 Evaluate the relative accuracy and usefulness of information from different sources.

This objective illustrates a level 3. Students must understand a variety of kinds of texts, make inferences across entire passages, and demonstrate the ability to evaluate information according to various criteria. Students must be able to support their thinking.

Objective 3:2

Understands the relationships between and among elements of literature, including characters, plot, setting, tone, figurative language, point of view, and theme.

This objective also illustrates level 3. Analyzing and describing the relationship of part-to-whole in imaginative texts requires at least some depth of knowledge and understanding, ability to abstract, and to make more complex inferences.


Level 4
Extended Reasoning
Objective 4:1

Locate, gather, analyze and evaluate written information for the purpose of drafting a reasoned report that supports and appropriately illustrates inferences and conclusions drawn from research.

This objective illustrates level 4. An assessment of this objective would require an extended activity that allowed students time to gather, read, and evaluate materials; select and record information according to a specific purpose; and generate an original composition shaped for a specific audience and purpose.

Objective 4:2

Generate and edit media work as appropriate to audience and purpose.

This objective is also a level 4. Students are required to perform a variety of higher order tasks similar to those identified in the previous example; in addition, this task requires students to manage the necessary technology required to create a media piece.

Review Sample Test Items